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Benny Ferraro
Benny Ferraro


Salvat Ingles Bbc English Course 1976 1978

Salvat Ingles Bbc English Course 1976 1978 was a series of audio lessons and books that aimed to teach English to Spanish speakers. The course was produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Spanish publishing company Salvat, and it was distributed in Spain and Latin America between 1976 and 1978.


The course consisted of 96 lessons, each lasting about 15 minutes. The lessons were divided into four levels: beginner, elementary, intermediate, and advanced. Each lesson had a dialogue, a vocabulary section, a grammar explanation, and some exercises. The lessons were accompanied by books that contained the transcripts, the translations, and the answers to the exercises. The course also included a pronunciation guide and a dictionary.

The course was designed to be self-taught, but it also offered the possibility of enrolling in a correspondence course with the BBC. The students could send their exercises to the BBC and receive feedback and corrections from native English teachers. The course also had a radio program that broadcasted the lessons and some supplementary materials.

The course was very popular and successful in its time, as it was one of the first and most comprehensive courses of English for Spanish speakers. It helped many people to learn or improve their English skills, and it is still remembered fondly by many of its users. Some of the lessons are available online on SoundCloud , where they have received positive comments and nostalgic reactions from listeners.


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